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Day Seventy Three: In the Know

Today we say "goodbye" to Idaho. What a real pleasure this state has been. There are so many hidden gems in this state, I strongly recommend people rethink how they think of Idaho. I know for me, all I really knew about Idaho was potatoes. Now I feel like I have a better grasp. From the hipster vibes of Coeur D'Alene to the windy roads probably featured in many car commercials, Idaho has so much to offer. Boise's clean and bustling city center coupled with the grand Snake River Canyon in Twin Falls offers plenty to do for all. The great thing about most of the state is how under-rated it is. Their offerings don't feel commercialized or overly advertised. Even the hotel I stayed in on the Salmon River was fairly priced, a testament to the lack of throngs of tourists.

The lack of knowledge about this place might be what keeps it so cool. If people find out just how inviting and beautiful this state is, maybe it will be overrun with tourists and the coolness will be turned into bumper stickers with kitchy slogans like "Idaho: in the know". We don't want that.


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