This adventure has changed forms many times since its inception almost a year ago. It's funny how one small thing can start to turn into a much larger thing. This snowballed into something that was scary and thrilling, something I never dreamed of doing before. Though I would have loved for my husband and our dog to be on all of the adventures, we have learned that our differences are what has brought us together and we want to celebrate them. I am fortunate to have a husband that understands my adventuring nature and a job that has been able to be fully remote.
It has been wonderful to step out of the comforts of life and into the unknown. I think back to that woman I encountered while volunteering in Broadus, MT. The courageous question I am sure many have had: "Aren't you scared to go by yourself?". I think about how fear has a way of preventing people from doing things that they may have actually ended up loving. For me, none of the not-so-fun feelings I had on this trip (fear, loneliness, disappointment, frustration, sadness, confusion, disgust...) can ever compare with the great feelings I felt (joy, peace, wonder, significance, intrigue, growth, fulfillment...). These 90 days have led me to places, people and thoughts I could not have had in PA.
If you have learned anything about me during this you know I crave adventure. I am intrigued by the unknown and the unpredictable. The last 90 days have been adventures of all shapes and sizes. Though this adventure to the great west is coming to an end, the adventure of life is most certainly not. I do not know what the future holds (oh to have a crystal ball...) but everyday life gives us opportunities to adventure (not all require us to leave the house). It is up to us to put on our adventuring shoes and go!