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Day Seventeen: Modest is Hottest

After waking up early and driving Alex and Piper to Bismarck to get their rental car, I made my way back to the hotel in Dickinson, ND. Saying "goodbye" was tough, but we planned the trip in such a way that we won't go more than 3 weeks without seeing each other. One of the main reasons why we planned for me to continue on while he goes home is the sheer expense of exploring the west from PA. Flights alone to some of these destinations could dent a bank account. Then you have to factor in the rental car which is way more expensive if you want to do a one-way rental versus a roundtrip. Naturally, it's easier to visit bigger cities but the small towns and experiences in between can be easily ignored.

Plus, in those situations that we fly in to visit one or two destinations at a time, we would be using vacation days. This is obviously limiting due to it's finite number. It would take years to get to all of these places and the cost would be way more significant than working and exploring simultaneously. I also can have cooking supplies in the car which gives us the ability to stay in and make meals. Doing so can also curb another major expense of trips (albeit a fun part). By continuing on, I am actually allowing us more flexibility and opportunity. Alex will get to see far more when he joins because I have one of our cars with me. He will leave a bag with me as well so he can fly whatever airline is the most economical (both in expense and trip duration).

I'm a bit of a stickler for finances. You don't go on the adventures that I have been on with incomes that I have had without being a conscientious spender. I don't want to use money in ways I don't actually need to. Adventuring does not have to mean spending money. In order to be mindful of the expenses, I plan on living (and spending) on this trip as similar to how I live at home as much as I can. If I didn't go out for coffee daily before, I won't do it now. The same goes for meals and general entertainment. I obviously hope to do stuff that costs money: normal activities like BINGO as well as unique opportunities that may present themselves at each locale. I just plan to be aware of my spending habits and make choices that support my goal of not upsetting or changing our overall finances more than necessary.

There are elements of this trip that will cost money beyond a life at home: gas and hotels. I can't control much of either. Though the gas prices are high this summer, I have no idea if the gas prices will go up, down or stay the same in the future. I can't control the future, but I can control where I get gas. Thank God for Sam's Club and their club-priced gas. Alex and I have already hit up at least 5 on this trip (and I plan to hit up every single one en route). So far most of the states have been notably cheaper in gas prices than PA. Yay PA gas tax!

The other element over which I have little control is hotel costs. Each destination will have its own prices and even a cheap-o motel might be more than I want to spend. In that case, I can either forgo that specific destination, opt for a nearby town instead or bite the bullet and just pay the inflated price. This will be done on a case-by-case basis. Regardless, the accommodations I will choose are not going to be known for their luxury. Necessities: safety, a bed, wifi, free parking. Ideally, the accommodations have a view or easy walkability, as well as a microwave and fridge/freezer. As much as I would love Egyptian cotton sheets with a jetted hot tub bathroom and chef-made omelettes every morning, moderation is key. The money saved by going basic can mean more adventure in the long run.

As a solo female traveler for much of this trip, I am aware of what risks there could be. Quite frankly, there could be risks for any solo traveler. Ultimately, there are risks for everything we do at all times. At some point, you just do the best you can and hope it all works out.


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