Alex and I packed up and headed northwest to Missoula, MT. He was catching a flight home before I continued to Kalispell, MT (a town outside of Glacier National Park). We decided he would get more out of seeing western Montana if he was a part of a move day. This gave us more time together and more opportunity to see what life is like out here.
One of things that he pointed out was something I had been intrigued by as well. It seems like Montana has so many different styled license plates - it's hard to keep count. At first glance, some designs seem fake, like ones you get at a novelty shop. Then you realize, it's not. Doing a little digging online, you can find over 200 license plate designs Montanians can choose from. It definitely is a cool way to show individuality but it makes the alphabet game way more challenging!
Though we were both marveling at the Montana landscape, with mountain ridges bobbing and weaving above dry ranchland, we really marveled at the bathrooms at a rest stop and then again at the airport. The bathroom accommodations were individual bathrooms, spacious in size. There was no communal main door or separate hand washing area, but 12x12ft rooms that were brightly lit, incredibly spacious and clean. These individual accommodations allowed for a caregiver with children, someone with luggage, someone wanting privacy or even someone in a wheelchair. The design seems progressive and accommodating for whoever needs to use the facilities.